general, we breed about 2 litters per year, the timing
of which is up to Mother Nature. Feel free to contact us at via email to inquire as to our current plans, in addition, you can ask to be added to our no obligation notification list (see below). We typically have a waitlist. |
LIST? Yes! We keep a
no obligation notification list. If you are interested in our next litter,
or a future litter, we will keep your name on file and notify you by email once the Mom has been bred as long as there are spots still available. At that time you can: 1) send in your puppy application with the application fee, 2) drop off the list, or 3) chose to stay on the list for a future litter (we recommend you re-apply once a year to remain current). To be placed on the notification list, ![]() That's all there is to it. We'll be in touch when we have news about the next litter with availability. |
No. Application fees are non-refundable, so we recommend that you do not
send in a puppy application and application fee if you are not committed to
waiting for a Zippity Doodles puppy. Submitting your application and
application fee is your commitment that you
are certain you want to adopt one of our puppies, and we make plans based on
that information.
Keep in mind
that there may be an extended wait for a puppy, sometimes a year or more
(but generally less, especially if you are flexible)! If you are not sure
about making that commitment, we invite you to sign up for our no obligation
notification list that does not require an application fee.
DO YOU ALLOW VISITORS? We keep a strict visitation policy due to security, time constraints, and in order to protect the health of our dogs, especially the pups and the pregnant Moms. It is amazing how easily disease is transmitted on shoes, hands and clothing (and even more amazing how long germs stay on those items). Many breeders lose whole litters because someone comes to visit after coming in contact germs left by sick dogs, or after visiting another breeder. Mom can be nervous about visitors too (and/or protective of her pups), and that stress can affect the puppies. We know that those with a vested interest (the new owners) will be conscious of the dangers and protective of the pups if they are aware of the dangers, so once the pups are 5-6 weeks old we allow a puppy visit and this is when you help chose your pup. Children who are well behaved & good listeners are allowed for the 5-6 week old visit if you like - some parents prefer to wait, others bring them (it can be hard to pick out a pup and monitor children too). Note that children are not allowed to handle any puppies except your selected puppy, and then, only while setting on the floor under strict guidance. We always ask that ANYTIME you visit Zippity Doodles, you do NOT come if you have visited another breeder, shelter, dog park, pet store, vet or anywhere there are dogs who may not be properly vaccinated or could be sick within the last few days (so come before a Doodle romp, or a few days afterward). Please wear clean clothes and shoes so that you don't carry in potential disease. DO NOT bring any of your current pets as they may carry germs that are harmful to the puppies. We have developed our policy with the health and safety of your puppy in mind. We know it is hard to wait, especially for the kids, but we have based the policy on our experience and the experiences and practices of other reputable breeders. Hopefully, you will understand. Even better, you'll agree!! WHY DO ZIPPITY DOODLES GOLDENDOODLES SOMETIMES COST MORE THAN GOLDENDOODLES FROM OTHER BREEDERS? A lot goes into our breeding program ~ Here are just a few things that set us apart! ◊ We are members of the Goldendoodle Association of North America. Membership is limited to breeders that provide proof of health clearances achieved on all their breeding dogs, and who have agreed to a code of ethics regarding their breeding practices and care of their dogs. So we start right off working within an organization that provides a framework of the best practices for us to use as a guide. Then we start with healthy, well adjusted breeding stock that has passed testing for the diseases required (at the minimum) to meet the Gold health level of the Goldendoodle Association (list here). Often we have tested more than the requirement. Closely related dogs are not allowed to be bred (so that they will maintain better health by keeping the genetic diversity). We are looking out for Goldendoodles for the long term, and with a registry database and ideals, GANA helps us do that. ◊ Our dogs do not live in kennels, they are beloved family pets that live in our home, or in Guardian homes (see here for more info) under our ownership. Providing our dogs with forever Guardian homes is an additional expense. ◊ Our breeding dogs receive excellent vet care. Our breeding girls are monitored before breeding via hormonal testing to be sure that we are breeding at the correct time, and have a very accurate due date. By doing this, we help insure the breeding will be successful; and when it comes time to deliver, we have an accurate due date with which to monitor the development & birth of the puppies (and to know when it's time to intervene to save pups who may be in trouble during the birthing process). Both our males and females receive testing before each breeding for diseases that could be transmitted to puppies to further insure the pups will be as healthy as possible. Mom & pups receive post partum exams to ensure everyone is doing ok and to attend to any health needs. Additionally, the pups are properly wormed and vaccinated at the appropriate times. ◊ As a breeder, we attend continuing education classes that will benefit, and help increase our knowledge regarding the very best in canine health, breeding practices, puppy development and dog training. Topics have included: Transformational Puppy Rearing, Epigenetics and why it affects dogs health & temperament, using puppy temperament to match puppies to owners, keeping a parasite free environment for your pups, eye health in Goldendoodles, using DNA testing, using science to avoid making the same health mistakes the purebreds have, and more.
◊ We take the
extra step to implement the puppy socialization and developmental tools that allow
our pups to be the best they can be. Just a few things we do:
HOW DOES YOUR PUPPY SELECTION PROCESS WORK? In reviewing your application, and in our emails and conversations with you, we gather information to help us guide you in determining which pups will be a good match for your family, or rule out a pup that might not be the one best suited for your situation. We observe the pups closely from birth, and make mental notes about each one. We also record important observations that might get forgotten otherwise. The types of things we notice include: the pups eating habits, how they sleep (alone, in a group, etc.), how brave or cautious they are, their activity level, and lots more. Often we administer a temperament test that sometimes gives us additional insight into their personality, and their aptitude (i.e.: do they have the retrieving instinct? ...which is usually yes). We use all this information to guide you in your selection of the pup most suited to your family. Your opportunity to determine which pup you will adopt will occur in the order of where you fall on the committed list (the committed list consists of the families who have submitted their application, paid the application fee, & applications have been approved). We begin the selection appointments (in waitlist order as much as possible) when the pup's are about 5-6 weeks old. When it is your turn you will have an appointment time to visit in person, by phone, or email to discuss the qualities of the puppies that are available. Sometimes we are not able to set up appointments in the exact list order. In that situation we may ask you to come and make a 1st & 2nd pick, and then let you know which pup is yours after the person on the list ahead of you makes their choice. We find that more often than not, you end up with your first choice when that happens! In that situation we would also keep your selection choices confidential. Note: if you cannot make your selection appointment during the times we offer, you are able to choose over the phone/internet or you can let the family after you move ahead. When we are identifying the pup's temperament and needs, our experience has been that we find all Goldendoodle pups to be VERY similar. And because the puppies are so similar in temperament, typically most, if not all of the pups in a given litter will make a great companion for any family. Generally, the pups that are chosen first tend to be the curliest or straightest; lightest or darkest; and/or the most outgoing or more reserved. That generally leaves the folks at the end of the list with the puppies that are most alike, both in temperament and appearance. The last ones chosen also tend to be smack dab in the middle of perfect for temperament for most situations, and with a wavy coat. I think this happens because the litter is so much alike it is often hard to choose a pup, so the ones that are a little "different" stand out. The good news is that the last pups to be chosen tend to be as good a choice as the first. One of the things that make Goldendoodles such a great companion dog is the temperament they are born with due to the parent breed traits. But studies show that much more important than puppy temperament as determined at a young age is the socialization, education and environment that the owner should provide. We feel it's very important to give them a loving, stimulating, and well socialized beginning. But really, you hold the key to how your pup turns out. That is why we try very hard to match our pups to a home where they will be a good fit, and to provide you with support and resources as you shape the future of your life together. WHAT NUMBER WILL WE BE ON
There are a lot of factors involved. Often Zippity Doodles, the stud owner, or
another breeder may have first choices of any breeding prospect puppies.
Additionally, we have families who may have been waiting from previous litters
due to timing or selection. Until we have bred the Parents we don't have details
about the litter; like size, generation, color and timing, which as you know is
important when adopting a new family member. Once we have that information we
contact the existing priority waitlist (those with applications submitted and
approved, and application fee submitted) to
find out if they want to be on a specific litter list. Once we hear back from
our priority waitlist, we know what number each family will be and if there are
any open spots. Our priority waitlist wait time can often be over a year. See Also "How Does Your Puppy Selection Process Work" above! WHAT IS GANA? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? GANA, the Goldendoodle Association of North America, was created to promote and guide the development of the Goldendoodle to achieve breed standards while maintaining optimal health, and providing mentorship and educational opportunities for it's member breeders. Membership is limited to breeders that provide proof of health clearances achieved on all their breeding dogs, and who have agreed to a code of ethics regarding their breeding practices and care of their dogs. They are the first and only breed club established for the Goldendoodle, and maintain a registry database to document lineage for future generations of Goldendoodles. GANA's code of ethics, and the very high testing standards set GANA registered Goldendoodles apart; but the ultimate goal is to protect the health of the Goldendoodle breed. ZIPPITY DOODLES FAQ PAGE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, CHECK BACK FOR MORE ANSWERS SOON! Copyright 2004-2025, Zippity Doodles, all rights reserved |